Genuine Guest Reviews - Hotel Seville

The following guest reviews are submitted by guests after their stay at the Hotel Seville. These reviews are the opinions of the guest that reflect their experience at this property.

4 Authentic Reviews from Our Guests

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Total Reviews Ratings

Guest Room 60%
Service 60%
Value 60%
Cleanliness 60%
Location 60%
Comfort 60%

Rating based on all 4 guest reviews


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Flag USA
June 25, 2020


Excellent value for the money Excellent location room stayed nice and cool

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Flag USA
August 10, 2019

"Great amenities at minimal cost”

Hotel Seville! I won't gonna forget this name as it is the best hotel in Ontario. Prices are excellent, I have stayed with my friends for a weekend and honestly I am so happy we found this place. The room was lovely with the comfiest bed! Best Housekeeping Service, and really enjoyed the wireless Internet access! I would love to stay here again! Highly recommended!

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Flag USA
August 10, 2019

"Really amazed with this hotel”

Last week, I was on a trip to Ontario with my fiance. It was a quick decision to stay at Hotel Seville because we were almost late. But then, we realized that it was the perfect decision. The rooms were super comfortable, neat, and clean. We really enjoyed the fresh and delicious breakfast in the morning. And, I must mention here, the staff was so friendly. Cheers to the Hotel Seville! I strongly recommend this hotel, it's the best place to stay in Ontario, California! :)

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December 31, 1969


The user didn't write a review, and has left just a rating.

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